“Own It” Buzz


A good Thursday to you all from Columbus where the moon didn’t block the sun out this week due to cloud cover, and we are not changing our name to Robert E. Lee.—LMAO what a CLUSTER ESPN—are we really THAT politically correct?

It is almost that time…the college football season is upon us…the Buzz is back. We are primed and ready for what I believe will be an awesome season of college football.

Heading over with my Buckeye Booster group this evening to watch the final scrimmage (In the ‘Shoe) before Urban and the boys turn their attention towards Indiana one week from tonight in Bloomington.

It is great to be back…If anything has changed (email, etc.) or you would like to add anyone to the Buzz just let me know. We have upgraded our website…so if you had it in your list of favorites, cancel that one and log on again. www.butchandpaulstailgate.com. We have a location map—you can still send me “Where in the World”pictures, a countdown clock, and we will make sure to upload tailgate pictures every week so you won’t miss any of the action.

So here we are…on the cusp of Meyer’s 6th season as head coach.

I know, I know, we lost nine players in the first couple rounds of the NFL draft- but with 16 starters returning the cupboard is NOT BARE—this team, with a new look offense and possibly the best defensive line in the country is ready once again to make a run @ the CFP Playoffs and eliminate the terrible taste from a year ago in the Fiesta Bowl.

Pre-Season “Bits”

This year’s slogan from the team and Urban is “OWN IT”—like in the past when he has used “The Grind” or “The Chase”—it’s time to stop pointing fingers, blaming others and OWN everything you do in life…that’s actually a good message for all of us.

Offense Will Improve…Yes many pointed fingers @ JT Barrett at the end of the season last year and especially against Clemson, but come on. JT has been solid and give me a 5th year senior who understands HOW to win big games and I’ll take that every time. Let’s also be honest the offense needed a jolt—and with Kevin Wilson & Ryan Day now in charge—look for a return to the output from the 2014-2015 season.

Defensive Line…Look for seven/eight maybe nine players to see significant playing time as D-Line coach Larry Johnson feels this is the best and deepest line he has ever coached. They will pressure the QB more than they have in the past.

So, Who’s Needs to Improve?…the Buzz believes OSU must improve in two areas. Both on the offensive side of the ball. O-Line has got to get better and according to Meyer they have. And at receiver. We have been hearing for some time that it is time for this unit to step up—we shall see.

Fox Video…Not sure if you have seen the new Fox Sports promo for Ohio State football…but enjoy it—it will start getting you ready for the season.


We are off and running…I hope you are happy we are back- we will try and entertain you all year long!

Proud to be a Buckeye…Go Bucks
